let's turn connections into leads

don't forget your gift


Any questions about the free Notion template I shared last time?

It’s designed to boost your accountability and end procrastination. If you haven't tried it yet, I suggest giving it a go today.

I hope it's helping you out.

Because ultimately, everything I share is for one purpose:

Turning your connections into leads and eventually clients.

Every connection on X is from your niche or related, and it’s great for the algorithm.

Image from Stijn Noorman

Here’s the strategy:

Position Yourself Comfortably but Strive for Discomfort: Align with your strengths and ensure you can deliver your value proposition confidently. But also accept challenges you might not know how to solve yet. Push your limits to provide exceptional value and learn along the way.

Build Genuine Relationships: Connect genuinely. Be interested in their work, challenges, and goals.

Provide Value First: Offer something valuable before asking for anything. Share insights or resources.

Engage Consistently: Stay in touch. Comment, share, and engage with their updates regularly.

Interact and Understand: Engage with your connections to identify where you can offer help.

This opens up opportunities for prospection and lets you tailor your value proposition.

Offer free resources or advice to build trust.

You'll hone your sales skills and understanding of human nature in the process.

Asking the right questions will give you valuable insights to close deals effectively.

Leverage Your Content: Showcase your expertise.

Share success stories, tips, and case studies.

Understand what makes content viral and focus on creating impactful content.

Constantly building and sharing helps you learn the best strategies to achieve your goals.

Build, Measure, Learn: Build your strategy, measure its impact, and learn from the results. Iterate and improve.

Now, let’s make this more impactful.

Ask me a question.

"Good questions get good answers."

I’m here to give you one good answer to one good question.

Your brand. Your business. Your journey.

Need advice on turning followers into clients? Let me know.

Got that question ready?

Perfect. I'll get back to you with genuine, insightful advice.

Looking forward to our conversation.

Here is the archive if you want to check my last post.


P.S. These emails are regular. If that’s not your style, you’re free to unsubscribe anytime with the button below.